Short Description:
Wall Feature - north end
Issued to
Gary Taylor | 18/08/2016

- Section of linear walling
- Nigel Steel
- 14-10-2016
- Large, roughly hewn blocks of limestone
- 0.25 - 0.45m wide/long 0.5- 0.25m deep
- Roughly hewn/undressed
- Drystone - no bonding
- Linear structure, extending from and utilising the natural topography and adjacent scar
- Length -4.75 m Width - 0.60m Depth - 0.41m
- Wall comes to abrupt end, with no clear indicator of return. Potentially enclosed by fence line or mean to others adjcent enclosure - though this evidence is beyond the limit of excavation.
Feature: UTU_201
- Wall - north end
Site Photos
Photo: UTU_165908
Photo: UTU_165911
Photo: UTU_165916
Photo: UTU_165917
Photo: UTU_165919
Photo: UTU_165922
Photo: UTU_165934
Record Details
- Not set
- Gary Taylor 18-8-2016
- 14-10-2016
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