Features at Under the Uplands

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Under the Uplands

Basic Information

  • Mound 04


  • Context: UTU_4001
    • file_image
    • Victoria Camp
    • Hugh Fiske
    • 18-8-2016


    • c. 6mx1.5m, 0.6m high; abutts Ring 04. 384150.17E - 465219.64N - 460.14M This was allocated M04 in Martlew R. 2007. Langcliffe Scar Local Nature Reserve. Archaeological Survey. Yorkshire Dales Landscape Research Trust.
      • Hugh Fiske
    • 18-8-2016

Dating Narrative

    • This mound is one of 18 mounds that were identified within and between the Victoria Camp earthworks during an aerial and topographic survey by Roger Martlew in 2007. They are part of a landscape that is assigned to be general Iron Age/Romano British, although there might also have been earlier phases of use of the area. Several of the smallest mounds have been constructed on the edge of low limestone outcrops, but the character of this particular mound is unknown. It may, however, be overgrown spoil from a past excavation (Martlew, R. D. 2007. Langcliffe Scar Local Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey 2007. Yorkshire Dales Landscape Research Trust).
      • Johanna Ungemach
    • 29-9-2016
