Features at Under the Uplands

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Under the Uplands

Basic Information

  • Small spoil heap close to trench excavated by Alan King in 1977.


  • Context: UTU_3001
    • file_image
    • Chamber A in Victoria Cave
    • Hugh Fiske
    • 17-8-2016


    • Small spoil heap adjacent to trench excavated by Alan King in 1977. The height of the spoil heap is 419.2m AOD which is too high for the 1870 excavations therefore it must be from A. Kings 1977 excavations. The excavation trench in '77' was orientated south-west/north-east extending out from the entrance of the passage. This was allocated VA5 in LUAU 1995 survey (Quartermaine, J. 1995. Victoria and Albert Caves North Yorkshire: Archaeological Survey. Lancaster University Archaeological Unit. Lancaster)
      • Nigel Steel
    • 10-1-2017

Dating Narrative

    • Romano-Brotosh artefacts including Brooch and pottery were recovered from this area.
      • Nigel Steel
    • 10-1-2017
