Short Description:
Wall Feature - south end
Issued to
Callum Tulpin | 18/08/2016

- Enclosure wall possible used for livestock husbandry
- Nigel Steel
- 14-10-2016
- Large and smaller limestone blocks
- Length 0.15 - 0.95m Width 0.25- 0.25m Depth 0.07 - 0.45
- Roughly hewn/ undressed
- Non - drystone
- Utilising natural geology if underlying limestone pavement and adjacent scar.
- Enclosure bank extends in semi-circular alignment progressing from one side oft he scar to the other.
- Drystone
- Length 27m (approx) Width 2.75m Depth 0.45m
- Enclosure had spread either side of a central spine, with substantial boulders slipping from up slope. The wall had been underpinned by a foundation of small stones designed to level out the ground in advance of large, 1m+ boulders.
Feature: UTU_202
- Wall farthest from the cave
Site Photos
Photo: UTU_165917
Photo: UTU_165919
Photo: UTU_165922
Sample: UTU_7
- Brendon Wilkins
- 22-11-2016
Record Details
- Not set
- Callum Tulpin 18-8-2016
- 14-10-2016
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