Contexts at Sudeley Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle

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  • (7020)
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Short Description:
Earthen mound
Issued to
Rosie O'Toole | 14/06/2019


    • The earliest feature in the trench is an earthen mound (F701) which appears to have been created by scooping up the sub-soil to create an artificial structure (7020) composed of a light reddish-brown silty sand with occasional medium and mod sub-angular stones poorly sorted which is similar in composition to the sub-soil remnant (7002). It was visible in the sections of a drain (F702). This indicates that the mound was constructed initially of this material scooped up into an earthen mound from the land surface as an element of the construction of the Tudor garden extension further indicated by the presence of residual flint from a garden bed (7015). The mound appears to have been constructed as a flat platform overlain with a hardcore cap (F706) constructed of a yellowish-brown sandy clay with medium sub-angular stones moderately sorted (7005), (7015), (7022), (7024). At the north of the trench it included sculptured architectural fragments in the form of vertically chamfered decorative stones (7005). This was then capped with a brown clay (F707), (7004), (7010), 7021) = (7025), (7017), (7012), (7008) as an apparent waterproof layer to the mound.
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019

Sketch Photo

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  • Light reddish-brown
  • silty sand
  • occasionally medium moderate and frequent small sub-angular stones poorly sorted
  • Throughout trench?




  • Feature: SUD_701
    • Light reddish-brown silty sand with occasional medium and mod sub-angular stones poorly sorted


  • Plan: sud_7
    • Plan of trench 7 and strat not to scale
    • Stuart Noon
    • 24-7-2019

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Rosie O'Toole 14-6-2019
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