Short Description:
Cut of circular ditch (segment running N-S)
Issued to
Maiya Pina-Dacier | 28/05/2019

- The cut [6007] was 5.08m long, 3.00m wide and 0.86m deep with a gradual break of slope top with steep sloping sites and was not fully excavated. It contained four fills. The lowest fill (6017 = 6014 = 6022) comprised of a yellowish-brown clay 0.10m deep possibly representing the original waterproof lining of the ditch (puddle clay) at the upper end of the ditch with more clay with frequent small and moderate medium sub-angular stones 0.42m deep probably gradually filling the ditch during a period of disuse. The next fill is (6006) represents slumping of the hardcore cap 0.10m deep. The next fill (6013 = 6015 = 6016) comprised of a greyish brown silty clay 0.30m deep with the remains of a wooden probable fence post probably representing a buried turf line from an abandonment phase dating between 1649 and 1849. The top fill (6008 = 6011 = 6012) was 0.22m deep and contained material from the remains of a 19th century greenhouse and rubble dumping in the 1940s to fill in convenient hollows within the ditches as levelling deposits. .
- Stuart Noon
- 16-1-2020
- Linear N-S
- None
- Length 5.08m Width 3.00m Depth 0.86m Not fully excavated
- gradual
- Linear runs N-S
- steep
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Truncated by 19th century ha-ha
- Probably same as [6010]
Feature: SUD_602
- Circular Ditch [6010]
Plan: SUD_6
- Sketch plan of Trench 6. Scale approx.
- Stuart Noon
- 24-7-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Maiya Pina-Dacier 28-5-2019
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