Short Description:
Circular outer bank hard core cap at eastern end of trench
Issued to
Maiya Pina-Dacier | 28/05/2019

- Earth bank
- Abigail Evans
- 12-6-2019
- Within the mound were outer and inner banks (F603) consisting of two layers. The first layer was a hardcore cap constructed of a yellowish-brown sandy clay with medium sub-angular stones moderately sorted (6006). The layer had slumped into ditch [6007]
- Stuart Noon
- 16-1-2020
- Firm
- Light yellowish brown
- Sandy clay
- Frequent small sub angular stones and moderate medium sub angular stones
- L:6.78m W: 3.00m D TBC
- Outer circular bank probably forming the central part of garden
- Trowel + mattock / sunny
Feature: SUD_603
- Hardcore cap
Plan: SUD_6
- Sketch plan of Trench 6. Scale approx.
- Stuart Noon
- 24-7-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Maiya Pina-Dacier 28-5-2019
- 31-5-2019
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