Short Description:
N-S aligned continuation of garden wall in TR13
Issued to
Chole Fuggle | 26/10/2022

- This is the continuation of the N-S aligned Tudor garden wall that was visible in Trenches 8 and 11 in 2021 and trenches 13 and 15 in 2022. These are almost certainly all the same wall stretching off at least 65m N-S along the back of the formal Tudor garden. It is observed constructed almost identically in all interventions, consisting of medium to large very roughly shaped unworked unfinished limestone/sandstone blocks with no bond laying atop a very roughly lain stone foundation above a clay layer
- Ben Swain
- 29-10-2022
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Large unfinished limestone/sandstone blocks
- Largest stone: L - 0.62 W - 0.61 T - 0.26
- Very roughly shaped/unfinished
- One course remains upon a roughly set stone foundation base/no bond
- Linear N-S aligned wall
- E-W
- None
- L - 4.30+ W - 0.87 T - 0.35
Feature: SUD_801
- N-S aligned potential Tudor garden boundary wall. Same wall as F703
Record Details
- Not set
- Chole Fuggle 26-10-2022
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