Short Description:
Stoney layer on top of the mound in trench 12
Issued to
Angela Matthews | 25/10/2022

- Possibly intentionally constructed mound, maybe through a dump of stoney material mixed with clay. This may have been a raised viewing platform on top of which there could have been an ephermeal stone structure evidenced through numerous stone roof tiles and iron nails.
- Ben Swain
- 30-10-2022
- Moderately compact
- Dark greyish brown
- Clayey silt
- Frequent small to medium sized sub angular limestone/sandstone pieces
- L - 12.80 W - 4.96+ T - 0.26
- Hand Ex/damp
Feature: SUD_1202
- The mound itself (F1202) - investigated with an L-shaped intervention that showed that it was built from a deposit of moderately compact clayey silt with frequent limestone pieces throughout, (12007), placed on top of the natural geology.
Record Details
- Not set
- Angela Matthews 25-10-2022
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