Short Description:
Small area outside Richard III banqueting hall against the walls of the ruin, between the South Hall and the Octagon Tower. Found when planting the Rosemary bushes in February 2018 - the deepest finds (glass) found at 18 inches deep
Issued to
DigVentures | 31/05/2019

- No Interpretations
- up to 18 inches deep
- Excavated by gardener to plant Rosemary bushes
- No records attached.
Find: SUD_20
- Cattle rib with two diagonal butcher marks, proximal. Probably part of steak
- Bone
Find: SUD_21
- Glazed tile with slip on side. Possibly the same as in Winchcombe Abbey and exhibited in one of Emma Dents exhibition cases in the castle
- Ceramic
Find: SUD_22
- Painted rim sherd
- Ceramic
Find: SUD_23
- Glazed tile
- Ceramic
Find: SUD_24
- Two pieces of leaded glass, possibly original window glass from Richard III banketing hall
- Glass
Record Details
- Not set
- DigVentures 31-5-2019
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