Features at Sudeley Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle

Basic Information

  • Robbed out wall


  • Context: SUD_7023
    • file_image
    • Robbed out wall fill
    • Abigail Evans
    • 14-6-2019
  • Context: SUD_7028
    • file_image
    • Robbed out wall fill
    • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019


    • A possible building was set into the platform consisting of two robbed out walls (F703, F710) which appeared to have been contemporaneous with the construction of the platform (F706), (F707). The first wall located at the east of the trench measured 0.72m (N) - .79m (S) long and 3.00m wide on a north to south alignment. It was composed of frequent large and medium very angular stones (7009) filled with a light yellowish-brown sandy clay (7011). The brown clay cap of the platform (7017), (7012) abutted the wall. A second wall also located in the east of the trench and to the east of the first wall on the same alignment (F710) probably originally had a similar sequence but the clay was fully removed by a probable robber trench running north to south (F705). This wall was composed of frequent large very angular stones (7023) filled with a similar light yellowish-brown sandy clay (7028). A very similar construction to the first wall and they may well be contemporary. They are certainly parallel suggesting a building structure. The fills of both walls are very similar to the sub-soil (7002) and the construction of the earthen mound (7020) which suggests that the walls were inserted into the mound and the fills are made up of this materiel.
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019

Dating Narrative

    • 1570's and 1877
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019