Short Description:
Hardcore cap
Issued to
Brendon Wilkins | 31/05/2019

- Demolition layer.
- Igor Zalewski
- 12-6-2019
- The mound appears to have been constructed as a flat platform overlain with a hardcore cap (F706) constructed of a yellowish-brown sandy clay with medium sub-angular stones moderately sorted
- Stuart Noon
- 27-6-2019
- mid yellowish- brown
- sandy clay
- Medium sub-angular stones moderately sorted and sculptured architectural fragments in the form of vertical chamfered decorative stone
- Length: 5.00m Width: 3.00m
- equal to (7015), (7022), (7024)
- Hand ex
Feature: SUD_706
- Hardcore cap
Plan: sud_7
- Plan of trench 7 and strat not to scale
- Stuart Noon
- 24-7-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Brendon Wilkins 31-5-2019
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