Features at Sudeley Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle

Basic Information

  • Probable floor


  • Context: SUD_7013
    • file_image
    • Compact layer, possibly a floor.
    • Jane Bowden
    • 13-6-2019


    • A probable floor (F708), (7013) located at the east of the trench was composed of a compact layer of yellowish-brown sandy clay with frequent small sub-angular stones well sorted. The floor was on top of a layer of clay (7008) contiguous with the other surrounding layers of clay capping (7017), (7012) around the first wall (F703). It appears to have been constructed at the same time or shortly after the construction of both walls (F703), (F710). The floor was located between both walls although cut away from the first wall by a robber trench [7019] which also cut into the clay cap (7008). It had a direct relationship to the second wall (F710) and it probably represents a floor on the inside of the building in located between both walls (F703, F710).
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019

Dating Narrative

    • 1877
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019
    • 1570's
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019