Features at Sudeley Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle

Basic Information

  • Hardcore cap


  • Context: SUD_7005
    • file_image
    • Hardcore cap
    • Brendon Wilkins
    • 31-5-2019


    • The mound appears to have been constructed as a flat platform overlain with a hardcore cap (F706) constructed of a yellowish-brown sandy clay with medium sub-angular stones moderately sorted (7005), (7015), (7022), (7024). At the north of the trench it included sculptured architectural fragments in the form of vertically chamfered decorative stones (7005). This was then capped with a brown clay (F707), (7004), (7010), 7021) = (7025), (7017), (7012), (7008) as an apparent waterproof layer to the mound. A portion of the hardcore cap area at the south of the trench (7015) located at the tail of the mound was heavily disturbed by roots relating to garden planting on the interior of a garden bank (7016). This was also covered by the brown clay cap (7021). The garden bed and bank were marked on the archae-topographical and magnetometry survey and must be a direct correlate (Fradley et al, 2014).
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019

Dating Narrative

    • 1770's
      • Stuart Noon
    • 28-6-2019