Features at Sudeley Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle

Basic Information

  • Cut of east to west robber trench [7014] which was linear in plan with a very gradual break of slope at the top with gently sloping sides and a concave base measuring 6.30m long to the limits of excavation and 3.00m wide. It was filled with very fine sieved mid grey silty sand (7003).


  • Context: SUD_7003
    • file_image
    • Possible backfill from Canon Lyson's excavation
    • Andre Whatton
    • 22-5-2019
  • Context: SUD_7014
    • file_image
    • Possible cut of Canon Lyson's 19th century excavation
    • Brendon Wilkins
    • 31-5-2019


    • Robber trench from Emma Dent’s 1877 excavation running east to west (F704).
    • 27-6-2019
    • Robber trench potentially from Emma Dent’s 1877 excavation running east to west (F704). One of two potential robber trenches the other being F705
      • Stuart Noon
    • 27-6-2019

Dating Narrative

    • 1877
      • Stuart Noon
    • 27-6-2019
