Short Description:
Robbed out wall fill
Issued to
Stuart Noon | 28/06/2019
- This wall was composed of frequent large very angular stones (7023) filled with a similar light yellowish-brown sandy clay (7028). A very similar construction to the first wall and they may well be contemporary. They are certainly parallel suggesting a building structure. The fills of both walls are very similar to the sub-soil (7002) and the construction of the earthen mound (7020) which suggests that the walls were inserted into the mound and the fills are made up of this materiel.
- Stuart Noon
- 28-6-2019
- Light yellowish-brown
- sandy clay
- Length 2.50m Width 0.60m
Feature: SUD_710
- Robbed out wall
Plan: sud_7
- Plan of trench 7 and strat not to scale
- Stuart Noon
- 24-7-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Stuart Noon 28-6-2019
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