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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Sudeley Castle


ContextTypeShort DescriptionIssued toIssued onOptions
SUD_6001FillTopsoilRobin Bowater26-5-2019viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
SUD_3001LayerTopsoil/PloughsoilMelanie Butt7-5-2019viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
SUD_6008FillTertiary modern rubble fill of ditch [6007] Maiya Pina-Dacier29-5-2019viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
SUD_7004LayerClay layer over hardcore cap located in north of trenchKarl Zetterqvist31-5-2019viewfailed to get markup 'enter'
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 4
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