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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at St Neot


SectionShort DescriptionContextDrawn ByDrawn OnOptions
WNF_1East-facing section of multi-context feature (2008) (2005) (2007) Euan Hunter9-8-2018view
WNF_2South facing section of small round feature in northeast of trench one on bank Drawn with Jenny HartEmily Stammitti-Campbell10-8-2018view
WNF_3S facing section f104Euan Hunter11-8-2018view
WNF_4S facing section 2014Emily Stammitti-Campbell11-8-2018view
WNF_5S facing section ditch 1024John Thurston11-8-2018view
WNF_6E facing section t2 post exSimon Parsons11-8-2018view
WNF_7West facing section t1 post ex Mim Brigham11-8-2018view
WNF_8Post ex sections 1 e facingJoanne Wills11-8-2018view
WNF_9West facing section of n of t1 post exEmily Stammitti-Campbell11-8-2018view
WNF_10East facing section of pit/posthole [2013]Emily Stammitti-Campbell9-8-2018view
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 10
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