Features at Pontefract Castle

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Pontefract Castle

Basic Information

  • Northern Gatehouse Tower


  • Context: PON_1083
    • file_image
    • Northern drum tower of gatehouse
    • Chris Casswell
    • 25-3-2020


    • The inside of the eastern gatehouse tower base F119 was visible prior to excavation as it formed the side of the Victorian steps. Excavation of this structure was limited within the excavation area but did enable part of the front of the building to be exposed and its relationship with the adjoining tower to be established. These external remains were stepped for three courses and survived to a height of 1.2m. They were a polygonal shape in plan, with each of the two faces visible measuring 1.5m, splayed at an angle of 145 ̊. The previously exposed parts of the structure appeared to form a straight side next to the steps, however this part of the structure contained concrete replacements in the make-up of the masonry representing later Victorian remodelling.
      • Indie Jago
    • 27-4-2021

Dating Narrative

    • Phase 2 – Gatehouse construction (14th century), - though it was fixed in places during phase 7 – Victorian remodelling (1880s)
      • Indie Jago
    • 27-4-2021
