Short Description:
Masonry wall
Issued to
Indie Jago | 11/10/2019
- later than 1011. possibly to support earlier wall
- Indie Jago
- 14-10-2019
- Butted up against 1011. Possibly funded by Charles I as modifications made before the Civil War.
- Indie Jago
- 6-11-2019
- Very rounded chambered sandstone
- 4 courses laid roughly
- wide varied joints
- Linear - WNW - ESE
- pale yellow / grey lime mortar
- Length - 1.40m + Width - 0.90m + Height - 0.90 - 1.10m
Feature: PON_118
- Civil War redan
Site Photos
Photo: PON_193804
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 11-10-2019
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