Short Description:
Issued to
Indie Jago | 11/10/2019

- Possible redeposited liquorice soil
- Indie Jago
- 11-10-2019
- Top soil and previous excavation back fill
- Indie Jago
- 14-10-2019
Stratigraphic Matrix
Equal To
No Linked Records
- Soft
- Dark brown
- Silty sand
- Sparse small stones
- Thickness - 0.50 m
- Very root with roses and other plants from gardening Finds from 2019: 25 MetalObject Post Medieval x1 6g Buckle, 3.7cm long, 0.5cm wide, decorated on one side 26 Copper Alloy Object Post Medieval x1 2g Square flat object, engraved on one side, 20x20cm 27 Copper Alloy Object Post Medieval x1 2g Circular, flat pendant, engraved on one side, 2.5cm diameter 28 Copper Alloy ObjectCoin x1 1g Circular, 1.5cm diameter
- Hand ex
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Shell | 1 | 2 | Cockle (Year 2019) |
Pot | 2 | 54 | Year 2019 |
Pot | 12 | 105 | Various (Year 2019) |
Pot | 94 | 914 | Year 2019 |
Pot | 1 | 32 | Mystery object, something encrusted on it (Year 2019) |
Other (add to description) | 4 | 82 | Industrial waste/ heat affected (Year 2019) |
Glass | 3 | 15 | Clear and brown (Year 2019) |
Glass | 1 | 9 | Bottle stopper (Year 2019) |
Glass | 1 | 2 | Bead (Year 2019) |
Glass | 40 | 40 | 1 marble, one with writing, several with layer on them (Year 2019) |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 83 | Slag (Year 2019) |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 9 | Year 2019 |
Ferrous Object | 1 | 3 | Nail (Year 2019) |
Clay Tobacco Pipe | 13 | 21 | Stem (Year 2019) |
Animal Bone | 1 | 21 | Year 2019 |
Animal Bone | 8 | 125 | Cut marks (Year 2019) |
Ceramic Building Material | 7 | 228 | Year 2019 |
Slag | 4 | 115 | Pottery encrusted with slag (Year 2019) |
Stone | 3 | 34 | Bottle stopper (Year 2019) |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: PON_1
- PON19_C01_1620 S looking...
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 11-10-2019
- 11-3-2022
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