- Test pit 9
- Test Pit 9 was located above one of the banks in this area to investigate its composition, and was excavated to a depth of 0.94m below the current ground level. The base of the test pit was excavated into a firm orange brown sandy silt (9003) that was sealed by a friable light brown sandy silt layer (9002). Topsoil (9001) was the uppermost layer recorded in the test pit, comprising a 0.30m thick, mid brown sandy silt. Artefacts recovered from the subsoil include four pieces of CBM, two of slag and one sherd of post-medieval stoneware pottery. A single sherd of Roman, Severn Valley oxidized ware pottery, dating to the 2nd to 4th century was found in the earliest layer within the test pit.
3-D Models
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- Johanna Ungemach 6-6-2017