- Test pit 3
- Test Pit 3 was positioned towards the northern edge of the field to investigate probable ridge-and-furrow earthworks also visible across the rest of the field; it was excavated to a depth of 0.64m below the existing ground level. At the base of the test pit was a firm mid orange grey silty clay with sandstone and charcoal inclusions (3005). This was overlain by a firm mid orange brown silty clay (3004), 0.28m in thickness, which contained charcoal and sandstone inclusions and included large angular fragments of stone. Above this was the subsoil, a firm mid orange brown silty clay (3003), which contained rounded pebbles and well-sorted angular quartz and stone inclusions. The subsoil (3002) consisted of a firm orange brown clay silt with very occasional well-sorted pebble, stone and quartz inclusions. A number of artefacts were recovered from subsoil (3002) including medieval and post medieval pottery, a fragment of modern glass, a ferrous object and a small struck flint. The medieval pottery included fragments of Ham Green Ware and Minety-type Wares (dating to the 12th-13th century and 12th – 16th century respectively), as well as a later fragment of Nottingham type Stoneware. At the top of the sequence was topsoil (3001), a 0.1m thick mid greyish brown clayey silt. A number of artefacts were recovered from the subsoil including pottery, a fragment of glass, a ferrous object and a small worked flint. Four fragments of pottery were identified as medieval and date to between the 12th and 16th century. A single 18th to 19th century sherd was also recorded.
3-D Models
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
Context: OBC_3001
- Topsoil
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3001
- Topsoil
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3002
- Subsoil
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3003
- Deposit
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3003
- Deposit
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3004
- Deposit
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
Context: OBC_3005
- Deposit
- Johanna Ungemach
- 6-6-2017
- Johanna Ungemach 6-6-2017