Trenches at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

  • Test pit in back garden of No.2 Camp Cottages

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  • Test Pit 20 was located in the back garden of No.2 Camp Cottages on elevated ground approximately 1m higher than the land occupied by the cottages. The test pit was excavated to a depth of 1m below the existing ground level in the southeast corner. In the base of the test pit the earliest layer recorded was brownish orange sandy clay natural (20008). Above this was a 0.4m thick layer of subsoil comprising orange brown clayey sand (20005), which was sealed by a brown silty clay soil with very occasional small angular stone inclusions and charcoal flecks (20004). Atop this was a 0.20m thick layer of dark greyish brown sandy clay with occasional small stone and charcoal inclusions (20002); a thin layer of gravel (20003) was found overlying this in the northwest corner of the test pit. Topsoil (20001), consisting of greyish brown sandy silt, was found directly below the existing turfline, into which a modern feature F2001 had been cut. This circular pit [20006] was only partly revealed with the north section of the test pit – its observable size measuring 0.5m long, 0.15m wide and 0.23m deep – and was filled by dark brown sandy silt (20007). Medieval, post-medieval and modern pottery and other finds were found in layers above the subsoil (20005), suggesting that these deposits represent accumulated garden soils. The presence of the earlier pottery (Ham Green Ware, Bristol Redcliffe Ware) may suggest that the plough soils recorded across the central area were also located here. The later wares include 17th -18th century Bristol-type Slipware and Manganese Mottled Ware, as well at white earthenwares which presumably relate to the settlement development in this area. Although no finds were recovered from the pit, its stratigraphic relationship above modern layers indicates a modern provenance.

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  • No records attached.


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  • Feature: OBC_2001
    • Modern pit


  • Context: OBC_20001
    • Topsoil
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20002
    • Subsoil
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20003
    • Gravel layer
    • Maggie Eno
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20004
    • Garden soil
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20005
    • Sterile layer above natural
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20006
    • Cut of pit
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20007
    • Fill of pit
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_20008
    • Natural
    • Sue Adams
    • 1-7-2017