Trenches at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

  • Test pit in the back garden of the Old Forge

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  • Test Pit 18 was placed in the back garden of The Old Forge, Camp Road, on a slight elevation along the projected line of the outer bank. It was excavated to a depth of 1m below the existing ground level in the northwest corner where the excavation had been stepped down. The base of the test pit was excavated down to the top of greyish orange sandy clay (18005), directly below a 0.14m thick layer of dark orange brown silty clay with occasional charcoal, sandstone and angular cobbles (18004). Overlying this was a 0.35m thick layer of firm greyish brown clayey sand with a moderate amount of charcoal inclusions (18003). Subsoil (18002) comprising friable brownish grey silty sand with occasional sub-angular stone inclusions of 0.27m thickness was recorded below the current topsoil (18001), which consisted of soft greyish brown sand with charcoal and sandstone inclusions. Modern finds were recovered from the three latest layers in the test pit, indicating that the ground had been worked to a significant depth in recent times; however, four sherds of 16th century pottery, including were found in the layer below this (18004), and two small sherds of Saxo-Norman 12th century pottery were found in the earliest layer (18005).

3-D Models


  • No records attached.


  • Section: OBC_11
    • South-facing section of Trench 18
    • Mary Knight
    • 24-6-2017


  • No records attached.


  • Context: OBC_18001
    • Topsoil
    • Keith Miller
    • 23-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_18002
    • Subsoil
    • Keith Miller
    • 23-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_18003
    • Layer
    • Keith Miller
    • 23-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_18004
    • Layer
    • Jane Rennie
    • 23-6-2017