- Test pit 14
- Test Pit 14 targeted a low resistance geophysical feature in Field 6 and was excavated to a depth of 0.43m below the current ground surface. The earliest layer recorded was a 0.31m thick very firm reddish brown silty clay (14003) interpreted as the bank of the monument. This was overlain by subsoil (14002) comprising a compact greyish brown silty clay which contained small pebbles and angular stone inclusions. On top of this was topsoil (14001), which was a 0.08m thick layer of firm greyish brown clayey silt. A single fragment of CBM was recovered from the subsoil.
3-D Models
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- Johanna Ungemach 6-6-2017