Trenches at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

  • Test pit 13

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  • Test Pit 13 was located on top of the inner bank in the northeastern corner of the field and was excavated to a depth of 0.53m below the existing ground surface. The earliest deposit encountered in Test Pit 13 was a 0.25m thick, compact orange brown sandy silt (13003). Subsoil (13002) lay above this layer, comprising compact mid greyish brown sandy silt that contained charcoal inclusions. On top of this was topsoil (13001), a 0.15m thick layer of greyish brown clayey silt. The subsoil contained a number of finds, including nine pottery fragments, four samples of CBM and two sherds of modern glass. The pottery in this test pit includes eight fragments of blue transfer-printed ware of 19th to 20th century date, and a single fragment of Wanstrow-type earthenware bowl dating to the 16th to 18th century.

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