- Test pit 8
- Test Pit 8 targeted a high resistance linear geophysical feature towards the eastern boundary of the field. It was excavated to a depth of 0.48m below the existing ground level. The base of the test pit was excavated down to a layer of firm reddish-brown sand (8004), which was beneath a layer of friable greyish brown silty sand (8003). On top of this was a subsoil (8002) comprising a 0.20m thick layer of friable orange brown sandy silt and, in turn, at the top of the sequence was light orange brown sandy silt topsoil (8001). A small number of finds were recovered from topsoil (8001) including two sherds of pottery, one piece of slag, two samples of CBM and one piece of charcoal. The pottery fragments were both from a Ham Green Ware medieval cooking pot and dated to the 12th to 13th century.
3-D Models
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- Johanna Ungemach 6-6-2017