Trenches at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

  • Test pit 6

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  • Test Pit 6 was located in order to target a linear high resistance geophysical anomaly; it was excavated to a depth of 0.48mm below the existing ground level. At the base of the test pit, the earliest layer recorded was a 0.07m thick, compact greyish brown sandy silt (6003). This was below subsoil (6002) that consisted of a light orange brown sandy silt containing rounded pebbles and small quartz inclusions. Topsoil (6001) lay at the top of the sequence, comprising an orange brown sandy silt with very occasional small sub-rounded pebbles. Recovered artefacts came exclusively from the subsoil and included eight fragments of CBM and two fragments of modern glass. Pottery included nine sherds, mainly dateable to the medieval period (mainly Ham Green Wares, with one sherd of Bristol Redcliffe Ware) but also including a fragment of White Earthenware (late 18th century) and one sherd of Iron Age Malvernian ware that dates to between the 5th and 1st century BC.

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  • Context: OBC_6001
    • Topsoil
    • Johanna Ungemach
    • 6-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_6002
    • Subsoil
    • Johanna Ungemach
    • 6-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_6003
    • Deposit
    • Johanna Ungemach
    • 6-6-2017