Trenches at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

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  • OBC
  • 22
  • Test pit at Rose Cottage

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  • Test Pit 22 was located in the back garden of Rose Cottage, west of Camp Road. It was excavated to a depth of 0.34m below the level of the existing ground surface. Although there is now no indication of an outer bank in this location, this test pit was positioned on its projected line. The earliest layer encountered was firm reddish brown silty clay natural (22003). It was noted that this layer, and the garden soil directly above it (22002) had been significantly disturbed by burrowing animals. The garden soil comprised friable greyish brown silty clay and contained occasional small pieces of charcoal. Topsoil (22001) was the latest layer recorded in the sequence and consisted of brown clayey silt. A modern finds assemblage was recovered from the topsoil and underlying garden soil.

3-D Models


  • No records attached.


  • Section: OBC_17
    • East facing section of Trench 22
    • Ken Carruthers
    • 1-7-2017


  • No records attached.


  • Context: OBC_22001
    • Top soil
    • Ken Carruthers
    • 2-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_22002
    • Sub-soil
    • Ken Carruthers
    • 2-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_22003
    • Natural
    • Ken Carruthers
    • 2-7-2017