- Trench within the central area of the hillfort
- Trench 17 was aligned roughly east to west and measured 10m x 3m. Topsoil was removed from the trench by machine, with all subsequent deposits investigated by hand. Initial cleaning of the base of the trench highlighted a single cut feature at the eastern end, which is where a 1m wide exploratory sondage was placed. The earliest layer encountered was firm reddish-brown clay natural with occasional small mudstone inclusions (17006). It was found in the deepest part of the sondage and was augered to confirm there were no buried deposits beneath. A 0.49m thick layer of firm mid greyish brown sandy clay (17005) was found lying on top of the natural clay within the sondage. This was overlain by a 0.26m thick layer of subsoil consisting of mid yellowish brown sandy silt, which was observed throughout the trench. The only archaeological cut feature F1701 was found at the eastern end of the trench, cut into the subsoil and sealed by topsoil. It comprised a rectangular shape in plan, had near-vertical sides and a flat base [17003], and was filled by soft mid brown sandy clay with occasional patches of red clay and small mudstone inclusions (17004). In the base of this pit were the poorly preserved, fully articulated remains of a cow, indicating that this represents a deliberate burial. Artefact recovery was very limited, but a copper alloy die-cast stud with a drawn wire loop fastening was recovered from layer (17005) and a small perforated strap end from fill (17004). Neither find was complete but both were post medieval in date, indicating that the cow burial was recent in date. The cow skeletal material was very poorly preserved (see 17004 record), and was reburied within the original cut feature.
3-D Models
Section: OBC_24
- North-facing section through cow burial
- Maggie Eno
- 2-7-2017
Feature: OBC_1701
- Cow burial
Context: OBC_17001
- Topsoil
- Lauren Nofi
- 29-6-2017
Context: OBC_17002
- Subsoil
- Lauren Nofi
- 29-6-2017
Context: OBC_17003
- Cut of pit
- Lauren Nofi
- 3-7-2017
Context: OBC_17004
- Fill of 17003
- Lauren Nofi
- 29-6-2017
Context: OBC_17005
- Layer below (17002)
- Barry Gilbert
- 28-6-2017
Context: OBC_17006
- Natural
- Lauren Nofi
- 3-7-2017
- Maggie Eno 23-6-2017