- Test pit 11
- Test Pit 11 was placed over a low resistance rectilinear anomaly interpreted as a possible building during the geophysical survey; it was excavated to a depth of 0.46m below the level of the existing ground surface. The earliest layer encountered was firm reddish brown silty clay (11003) found in the base of the test pit. This was overlain by subsoil (11002), a 0.35m thick, compact greyish brown silty clay that contained small pebbles and angular stone inclusions. Topsoil (11001) was the latest layer found, comprising greyish brown sandy silt. A small number of finds were recovered from the subsoil of the test pit including four pottery sherds, one fragment of CBM and one shard of modern glass. Three sherds of pottery date to the medieval period (Ham Green Ware) and one identified as Roman (Severn Valley ware).
3-D Models
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- No records attached.
- Johanna Ungemach 6-6-2017