- North-facing long section of Trench 16 through the bank and ditch
- Mary Lennox 2-7-2017
- 11.537m
Context: OBC_16001
- Topsoil
- Chris Casswell
- 22-6-2017
Context: OBC_16002
- Clay capping on top of inner bank
- Tom Stafford
- 22-6-2017
Context: OBC_16003
- Buried soil
- Sarah Tucker
- 30-6-2017
Context: OBC_16004
- Sandy bank deposit
- Chris Casswell
- 22-6-2017
Context: OBC_16008
- Relict turf-line above buried soil
- Christian Day
- 30-6-2017
Context: OBC_16012
- Hillfort ditch
- Ken Carruthers
- 2-7-2017