Features at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

Basic Information

  • Bank


  • Context: OBC_16002
    • Clay capping on top of inner bank
    • Tom Stafford
    • 22-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_16004
    • Sandy bank deposit
    • Chris Casswell
    • 22-6-2017


    • Inner bank of hillfort
      • Chris Casswell
    • 7-7-2017
    • The monument’s internal bank F1602 was investigated at the western end of Trench 16; this location was specifically targeted because of its potential for providing the maximum amount of information possible about the construction of the bank. It had been constructed through an initial deposit of brown sand and was then capped with a 0.85m thick layer of redeposited red clay. The bank lay on top of a thin relict turf-line which overlay a 0.3m thick buried soil, from which one prehistoric flint fragment SF25 was recovered. It was not possible to date the bank itself from finds – because there were none – so a strategy was devised to systematically sample a profile of the stratigraphic sequence for OSL profiling and dating.
      • Chris Casswell
    • 1-5-2018

Dating Narrative

    • Awaiting OSL dates
    • 7-7-2017
    • The construction of the rampart bank is dated to around the mid 1st century BC 10BC ± 90, CERSA81 (TAQ) 60BC ± 70, CERSA82 (TPQ)
      • Chris Casswell
    • 1-5-2018
