Features at Oldbury Camp

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Oldbury Camp

Basic Information

  • Ditch


  • Context: OBC_16005
    • Ditch fill
    • Chris Casswell
    • 22-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_16006
    • Upper ditch fill
    • Chris Casswell
    • 22-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_16007
    • Basal fill of ditch
    • Wendy Lyons
    • 29-6-2017
  • Context: OBC_16011
    • Stony ditch fill
    • Chris Casswell
    • 2-7-2017
  • Context: OBC_16012
    • Hillfort ditch
    • Ken Carruthers
    • 2-7-2017


    • Hillfort ditch
      • Chris Casswell
    • 7-7-2017
    • The outside edge of the ditch was found in Trench 15 F1501 and the inside edge in Trench 16 F1601; it followed the same line as the topographic depression left between the bank earthworks. In both trenches the ditch was filled by compact red clay deposits similar to the underlying geology, which may explain why during the initial auger survey it was interpreted this way.
      • Chris Casswell
    • 1-5-2018

Dating Narrative

    • Waiting OSL dating
      • Chris Casswell
    • 7-7-2017
    • A small group of seven sherds of abraded Iron Age pottery was found in the upper fill of the ditch in Trench 15, as was a fairly large assemblage of medieval pottery and four residual sherds from Romano-British vessels (see Blinkhorn, Appendix C). Earlier fills of the same ditch are dated through the medieval pottery found within them and small fragments from a buckle SF32, indicating that the Iron Age material had been redeposited from the central area of the monument by medieval ploughing, or through natural erosion, no later than the 14th century. Prehistoric flint flakes SF3 and SF10 were also found in the ditch, displaced from their original depositional context, suggesting Neolithic or Bronze Age activity in the area. Just three small sherds of pottery dating to the 13th century were found in the ditch in Trench 16.
      • Chris Casswell
    • 1-5-2018
