Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

  • <<
  • LA
  • 2801

Basic Information

  • Large sunken feature/pond which had been flooded before several phases of deliberate human infilling


  • Context: LA_28006
    • file_image
    • Top fill of feature 2801
    • Simon Lloyd
    • 20-9-2016


    • A large depression visible on geophysics existed before medieval occupation of the region. It is likey this was cut although it was not possible to rule out the site being originally a natural sump. This depression certainly had a period of water flooding evidenced by a sandy deposit (context 28013) followed by infilling with soil and dispered material culture and finally a compacted (possible floor) surface.
      • Ed Caswell
    • 26-9-2016

Dating Narrative

    • All layers showed only medieval material culture
      • Ed Caswell
    • 26-9-2016
