Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • The location of the apsidal wall for the first Leiston Abbey


  • Context: LA_25005
    • file_image
    • Cut of robbed out wall, fill (25006)
    • Ed Caswell
    • 24-9-2016
  • Context: LA_25006
    • file_image
    • Fill of wall cut [25005]
    • Ed Caswell
    • 24-9-2016


    • The apsidal wall of Leiston Abbey was built between 1182 and 1363, after this point the Abbey was demolished and resited. During this time or after the stone of this wall was robbed away leaving only a cut and loose fill where the wall had once been.
      • Ed Caswell
    • 28-9-2016

Dating Narrative

    • The robber trench was cut after the demolition of Leiston Abbey although the wall that was once placed here was placed during the site's original habitation.
      • Ed Caswell
    • 28-9-2016
