Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • Westernmost spoil heap


  • Context: LA_24000
    • file_image
    • Minsmere's western spoil heap
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 28-7-2015


    • this was the westernmost spoil heap of two directly adjacent to the chapel at Minsmere. The creation of this was the result of the building of a pillbox within the chapel itself, the gable ends of the church were pulled down and this comprised most of what was found in (24000), although there was also evidence of further use by the soldiers stationed there, as there were copious amounts of metal objects including fence posts, bullets and a mortar round casing. interestingly one of the bullets had a shard of the chapel's cobble wall fused to the end, possibly confirming the use of the abbey as a firing range.
      • Tara Schug
    • 28-7-2015

Dating Narrative

    • although there was a large amount of later medieval brick, including what looked like victorian as well as those more modern (probably used in the building of the pillbox), the majority of finds were early medieval in date range. the large thick bricks with evidence of drying on straw with a mid reddish purple colour seem definitively medieval, as well as the extremely thick glazed floor tiles, the pottery is sparse but again seems medieval. this is reinforced by the knowledge the chapel is the last remnants of the abbey at Minsmere between 1182 & 1363 and the spoil heap (24000) from the destruction of the gable ends of the chapel comprise this feature
      • Ben Bazeley
    • 28-7-2015
