Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • Bank feature


  • Context: LA_1003
    • file_image
    • Deposit - Earthwork
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 4-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1004
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 6-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1005
    • file_image
    • Deposit earthwork
    • Joan Sutherland
    • 6-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1014
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork
    • Joan Sutherland
    • 6-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1021
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 8-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1022
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork
    • Raksha Dave
    • 11-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1023
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork / channel
    • Chris Brown
    • 12-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1024
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork
    • Raksha Dave
    • 14-7-2013
  • Context: LA_1025
    • file_image
    • Deposit - earthwork / channel
    • Raksha Dave
    • 14-7-2013


    • Bank feature F108 was made up of a complex series interleaving layers (1003, 1004, 1005, 1014, 1021) overlying drainage ditch feature F104.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 1-12-2014

Dating Narrative

    • A complex series of interleaving layers were recorded, with occasional medieval pottery finds and animal bone recovered as part of the fill. It was clear that these items had not been deliberately deposited, but had become incorporated in the bank during construction. Two rim sherds recovered from abutting contexts (1004 & 1021) belonged to the same vessel, a Romano British greyware jar (with similar pottery also found washed into the same channel excavated in Trenches 12 and 13). Though no clear stratigraphic relationships could be defined between these features, the bank feature F108 appeared to overlie ditch feature F104 supporting the interpretation that the earthworks represented a later phase of monastic activity thank the ditch and posthole features.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 1-12-2014
