Basic Information
- Ditch feature running NNW-SSE
- Ditch Feature F104 was excavated in two interventions in 2013 and 2014. It had a similar profile and character to ditch feature F103, extended NNW-SSE and was identified continuing into Trench 3. The feature was filled with a mid grey-yellow sandy clay (1018), a mid grey-brown sandy silt (1033) and a light blue-grey sandy silty clay with orange flecks (1039). Also includes [1006] and (1018) from LA13 excavation
- Brendon Wilkins
- 14-8-2014
Dating Narrative
- The ditch feature (F104) contained mixed dating material including animal bone, several later Neolithic or Bronze Age flint flakes and a single sherd of Early Medieval Sandy Ware pottery dating to the 12th Century. The mixing of finds indicates the construction of the drainage channel in the monastic period.
- Kezia Evans
- 11-11-2014
- [not set]
- [not set]