Features at Leiston Abbey

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey

Basic Information

  • Posthole


  • Context: LA_10016
    • file_image
    • Cut for post hole
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 12-7-2014
  • Context: LA_10017
    • file_image
    • Fill of [10016] - post hole fill
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 12-7-2014
  • Context: LA_10018
    • file_image
    • Fill of [10016] - post hole packing
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 12-7-2014


    • Cutting into a mid yellow-brown silty clay dump layer (10020) was a series of three postholes (F1002, F1003 & F1004), all showing strong similarities to one another; the three posthole features were wide and shallow, with a central fill surrounded by a packing layer of yellow/brown or yellow clay (10010, 10015 & 10018). The fills of these posthole features (10008, 10010, 10014, 10015, 10017 &10018) all produced low quantities of finds. It is probable that these three posthole features are related to one another, particularly given that they lie in a linear orientation running roughly NWW-SEE.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 5-12-2014

Dating Narrative

    • No dating narrative
      • Kezia Evans
    • 7-10-2014
