Short Description:
Cut of gully
Issued to
Matthew Juddery | 18/07/2014

- Possible cut for drain associated with monastic phase of the site. The cut is in line with the reconstructed drain (F1) in T8. The drain is filled with post medieval fill suggesting it was open. Furthermore, large amount of tile was found at the bottom of the drain and pit [9016] which suggests that the drain may have been lined.
- Matthew Juddery
- 21-7-2014
- Cut of gully, linear in shape with no corners. Break of slope at the top is gradual, with gradual sides sharply leading to a rounded base. Oriented N-S. It was not possible to see truncation on eastern side, with the cut starting to bowl out suggesting widening of the channel. The cut is in line with the reconstructed drain in Trench 8 F801. The drain is filled with post medieval fill suggesting it was open. Large amount of tile was found at the bottom of the drain and pit [9016] suggesting the drain may have been lined.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Linear
- N/A
- 0.74+ x 1.06+ x 0.31 m
- Gradual
- N-S
- Gradual
- Sharp
- Rounded
- N/A
- Unable to see truncation on eastern side. The drain starts to bowl out suggesting that the channel widens, possibly to large less pit?
Feature: LA_905
- Gully - possibly drain associated with monastic phase
Site Photos
Record Details
- Matthew Juddery 18-7-2014
- 18-7-2014