Short Description:
Fill of [8016]
Issued to
Matthew Juddery | 18/07/2014

- Fill of cut [8016] - possibly associated with construction of wall or drain.
- Matthew Juddery
- 22-7-2014
- Soft
- Mid brown grey
- clay silt
- Frequent sub-angular mortar fragments and chalk clasts
- 0.22 x 0.60 . 0.33
- Fill suggests that the fill is associated with construction - either the wall or drain.
- Trowel, hand shovel, dry sieved, sunny
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ceramic Building Material | 13 | 649 | |
Bone | 3 | 11 | |
Metal | 1 | 4 | Sample 31 |
Lead Object | 1 | 8 | Small Find 89 |
Ceramic Building Material | 87 | Sample 41 | |
Bone | 3 | 5 | Sample 41 |
Feature: LA_804
- Footing (?)
Sample: LA_41
- Frances North
- 18-7-2014
Record Details
- Matthew Juddery 18-7-2014
- 18-7-2014