Short Description:
Re-deposited layer
Issued to
Rosanna Ring | 19/07/2015

- Possible re-deposition fill from previous excavations within the abbey precinct
- Rosanna Ring
- 19-7-2015
- Soft
- Dark Yellowish Brown
- Silty Clay (with frequent chalky deposits)
- 70% (frequent) angular chalk deposits 25% (moderate) angular CBM 10% (moderate) sub-angular/sub-rounded cobbles 1% (occasional) angular charcoal deposits
- Length - 2.22m Width - 1.0m Depth - 0.06m
- Excavated by a combination of mattock & trowel Spoil sieved
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Animal Bone |
| |
Ceramic Building Material | 14 | 1062 | |
Flint | 3 | 29 | |
Ferrous Object |
| |
Pot | 3 | 60 | Late Medieval Transitional Ware LMTI (P401) - ca 1400 - 1600 |
Glass | 1 | 2 | |
Other (add to description) |
| Charcoal |
Shell | 4 | 35 |
- No records attached.
Site Photos
Photo: LA_150325
Sample: LA_72
- Xose Gago
- 24-7-2015
Find: LA_104
- Belt Buckle
- Copper Alloy
Record Details
- Rosanna Ring 19-7-2015
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