Short Description:
Cut of water channel
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 18/07/2014

- Natural water channel (probably) with a natural clay deposit (13004) and another (13005) above. Some evidence for roman dumping from fill (13003) above this but there is little finds evidence aside from a few bits of pot, 1 piece of slag and a nail.
- Ben Bazeley
- 18-7-2014
- Cut of water channel. Rectangular in shape with no corners. Break of slop is gently sloping to a fairly flat base. Orientation NNW-SSE with no inclination or trunking.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Rectangular
- None
- 1.60+ x 10.00+ x 0.57 m
- Gentle sloping inwards
- Gentle sloping inwards
- Gentle sloping
- Fairly flat
- None
- None
- Exists in chalk