Short Description:
Burned layer
Issued to
Tiva Montalbano | 19/07/2014

- Burned layer. Filled with loose, mid-reddish grey soil with small inclusions of chalk and charcoal and small to medium sized pieces of flint. Spread of in situ burning
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loose
- Mid reddish grey
- In situ burning
- Small inclusions of chalk and charcoal, s-m sized pieces of Flint.
- Width 0.75 m (truncated by edge of trench) Length 2.25 m (truncated by edge of trench) Depth 0.04 m
- Spread of in situ burning
- Trowel. Sun. Dry.
- No records attached.
Sample: LA_42
- Tiva Montalbano
- 19-7-2014
Record Details
- Tiva Montalbano 19-7-2014
- 19-7-2014