Short Description:
Deposit - earthwork
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 08/07/2013

- Mid yellow brown silty clay, containing small fragments of CBM, animal bone and pottery. Excavated in Slot 2, this forms part of the earthwork bank feature. 1 large rim sherd was recovered from this context, fitting the same coarseware jar recovered from abutting context (1004).
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loose
- mid yellow-brown
- Silty clay
- Occasional small flints, frequent brick flecks, frequent chalk flecks, two pieces of pot, rare animal bone Small fragments of CBM, animal bone and pottery
- width: 3.40 length: 0.11 depth: 0.25
- Excavated in Slot 2, this forms part of the earthwork bank feature. 1 large Romano British rim sherd was recovered from this context, fitting the same coarseware jar recovered form abutting context (1004)
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Pot | 1 | 37 | Romano British |
Animal Bone |
Feature: LA_108
- Bank feature
Sample: LA_12
- Ben Bazeley
- 7-7-2013
Record Details
- Ben Bazeley 8-7-2013
- 8-7-2013