Short Description:
Cut of posthole
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 06/07/2013

- Post hole at top of mound beside ditch, possibly part of shoring. Found within slot 2.
- Ben Bazeley
- 6-7-2013
- Possible later fence post on top of bank
- Brendon Wilkins
- 8-7-2013
- Cut of Posthole circular shape in plan with vertical sides, possible later fence post on top of bank. Filled with (1020).
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Circular
- Rounded, no corners
- width: 0.18 length: 0.22 depth: 0.15
- Slightly rounded, mostly sharp especially on south side
- Vertical
- Top leans slightly east, bottom west
- None