Basic Information
- Post-medieval midden pit
- Truncating (F904) was a later post-medieval pit features (F901) which was filled with a dark black-brown clayey silt (9010) and was also filled with a slump of the pit edge, a mottled yellow-brown silty clay (9006) which showed similarities to the fill of F904 (9005). The discovery of a copper alloy cosmetic spoon (SF 51) in this pit edge slump layer (9006) was dated to the post-medieval period.
- Kezia Evans
- 7-10-2014
Dating Narrative
- The discovery of a copper alloy cosmetic spoon (SF 51) in this pit edge slump layer (9006) dated it to the post-medieval period. The pit feature was also dated through the pottery finds in its fills to the late 15th Century.
- Kezia Evans
- 11-11-2014