Basic Information
- Drainage ditch and bank which was later adapted into a causeway. The ditch is one of the latest phases on site that truncates earlier deposits in trench 26 including the demolition phase of the abbey.
- Drainage ditch and bank which was later adapted into a causeway. The ditch is one of the latest phases on site that truncates earlier deposits in trench 26 including the demolition phase of the abbey. The fills highlight that the ditch was filled episodically, with one fill (26003) indicating that the ditch was left open over a period of time due to the natural silting up of the feature. The last event of the ditch charactersises the re-use of the ditch cut by backfilling the cut with silt sand and gravels to create a causeway running SE-NW (26004).
- Raksha Dave
- 3-10-2016
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations